A second match was struck against the wall it kindles and blazedveil是什么币, and wherever its light fell the wall became transparent as a veil The little girl could see into the room withinShe saw the table spread with a snowwhite damask clothveil是什么币, whereon were ranged shining china。
分类 外语出国 解析concept 概念veil是什么币,观念事物在心中留下的印象 A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences概念从特定情形或事件中得到或推断出的一般性想法 Something formed in the mind a thought or notion想法在脑海中形成的想法思想或观念 See idea Usa。
v vase 花瓶 veil 面纱 violin 小提琴 van 搬运车 vomit 呕吐 vest 背心 village 村子w wall 墙 window 窗 Windows 视窗操作系统 Walkman 随声听 wind 风 watch 手表 word 字 wash 洗 woman 女人w wrist 手腕 wrinkle 皱纹 wrap 包裹 wreath 花环 write 写字x ax 斧子 Xray X光 box 盒子x在字首,有。