1、12 Emphasisfinancialstress, Stress这两个名词均可表示quot强调quot之意13 Strain, Stress, Pressure, Tension这些名词均有quot压力,重压,紧张quot之意14 Stress as a Trigger for These Illnesses压力可能会成为引发这些疾病的原因15 Lay Stress on European Sales更加重视欧洲市场的销售情况16 Financial Stress as a Chief。
2、financial stress作为修饰语,所以此句完整 ===此句是强调句。
3、possibly the least known=possibly the least known stress不应该算是并列主语,应该是解释说明用的应该加逗号The third type of stress, and possibly the least known, is inherited financial stress, which is the most destructiveand连接financialstress了两个并列主语,the third and the least,它们后面。
4、It is an honour that I have been invited to the ball这句是主语从句 It is a book that I bought on my way home yesterday 这句是强调句,再有主语从句的主句除有名词作表语外还可有形容词,过去分词等而强调句没有因为强调句不对形容词强调如下面这两句都是主语从句It is。
5、There are also financial stress on college students For most college students, it is the fist time for them to manage money for free With too much freedom, many of them have no clear plan for their money As a result, they may use up of all their money early in the。
6、financial institution three years later真题解析今日单词回顾今日单词回顾\^o^~恭喜童鞋们已经完成今天的任务了,那么~。
7、financial stress reported that they didn't see themselves as looking older边注当然,这些人并不觉得自己老“What did surprise。
8、which helps reduce financial stress If they achieve financial independence, they can also support their families and pursue further。