28a joke at the expense of some ethnic group开某一种族玩笑的笑话29Ethnic Yi women hoe a field to plant mulberry on a hillside on the outskirts of Kaiyuaninethnic造句, Yunan图中为云南开远市的彝族妇女在市郊的一个小山坡上开垦荒地种植桑树30Perched sedately on the kerbside, wizen。
五十六个民族,五十六枝花,五十六族兄弟姐妹是一家,正如这首歌中所唱,中国是一个拥有五十六个民族的泱泱大国,民族团结是一条重要的发展大计Yes, only the ethnic unity, the motherland will have this day of glory! Only national unity, economy can develop more rapidly Only when the na。
华裔造句 1现在这个城市20%的人口都是华裔中国人2但在批评同时,他也赞扬ethnic造句了中国伟大的“古代文化”,以及华裔美国人对美国作出的活跃贡献3在这里,素食者还是让人争议的话题,但是这个节日是华裔泰国人包括一些幸运的游客可以吃到各种素肉的机会4马来西亚在经济上更加依赖中国,尽管。
哈尼族的英语单词有1 Hani people 2 Hani minority 3 Hani national minority 4 Hani ethnic minority使用哈尼族造句1 哈尼族是塑造大地的民族,哈尼族梯田是真正的大地雕塑2 玉溪师范学院白碧缺宏波硕士,其本人是哈尼族,也是多年来哈尼族语文研究和民间读书识字活动的倡导者之一。
大学里面的“专业”翻译成英文specialty profession 专业英语 Specialty English Specialized English Professional English English for Mechanics 法律专业 legal profession LAW personal statement ZBF 专业伦理 professional ethics。
造句1One way to wear this look is with a long, paisley or ethnic print skirt teamed with a simple top这种风格的一种穿法是,用一件简单的上衣来搭配一条长款的佩兹利涡旋纹花呢裙子,或是一条民族印染的长款裙子2Don#39t always try to skirt round difficultiesethnic造句你不要一遇困难。
Different ethnic groups in Xinjiang have lived side by side for centurieslike one big family在绿意盎然和美丽的周遭事物之间,居住在这村庄是清新空气和守望相助的保证Amidst the greenery and sometimes even picturesque surroundings, living inthe village promises fresh air and strong。
of the Blue 从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎restaurant是什么意思n 餐厅,饭馆,饭店 It is an ethnic restaurant这是一间具有民族特色的餐馆a cheap restaurant收费低廉的饭馆 integrate a restaurant 取消饭馆用餐的种族隔离。
5an initiative to help promote tolerance between different ethnic groups 增强各民族间宽容度的倡议造句1Amorous initiative is firmly reserved to the man,who sets about courtship with a club多情的主动权牢牢地保留给这个男人,他开始奉承俱乐部2In this way they brought into full。
Ethnic affairs commission 定向培训 Training for specific posts 抓大放小 To invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves 使中国经济信息化 To base China’s economy on。
rate, what happens there matters a great deal3 从认识到会用作业1翻译下面的句子埃塞尔比亚有 80 多个民族参考翻译Ethiopia is home to more than 80 ethnic groups2造句场景造句Chongqing is home to many bridges, so Chongqing has a name called Bridge。
例句Thereisacryingneedformoremagistratesfromtheethnicminoritycommunities亟须更多来自少数民族群体的治安官其他原型cry besimilarto与besimilaras区别 1用法不同besimilarto后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即besimilartosthsbbesimilarwith后边只可以加人,即besimilarwithsb例句1。
pressure造句1CLASSIFICATION OF PRESSURE AGC AND ANALYSIS OF CONTROL EFFECTS压力AGC分类及控制效果分析 2To avoid damage attach pressure accumulator to existing components若要避免损坏,请将储气罐连接到现有部件3Will there be pressure on the Baltic states,where so many ethnic Russians。
fundamental的造句1he fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important无机化学的基础很重要2There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies这两种思想意识之间并没有根本的分歧3The other issue, far more fundamental, is the apparent dilemma between ethnic。
as well as diet and peace and prosperity , diet and literary arts, diet and the relationship between the realm of life, deep broadFrom the extension, China#39s food culture from the era and techniques, geographical and economic, ethnic and religion, food and utensils, consumption a。