2ice sugar tang hulu 4toffeeapples 中国特有,翻译多汉语拼音也适用 这里 冰糖 葫芦 价钱不贵,品种繁多,有各种时鲜水果,二三元钱串bing tang hulu prices here are not expensive,variety,there are a variety of seasonal fruits,two,three moneystring;Icesugar gourd, also known as sugarcoated gourd, is a traditional Chinese snack It consists of wild fruits skewered on a string, dipped in a thin maltose sugar solution, and quickly hardened upon exposure to the wind Commonly found in winter in the north of China, it is。
你好,冰糖葫芦的英文本来就以复数形式出现写成Candied haws 其中 candied 指糖渍的,也就是用糖包裹的 haws 指山楂,是其复数形式望采纳;sugarcoated berry,candied gourd sugarcoated haws on a stick来自灵格斯词霸。
Candied Haw in a Stick做法如下主料山楂400克冰糖140克 调料芝麻适量 做法步骤1山楂,山楂季,撒点盐,搓下2清洗干净,沥干水分山楂待用3然后,用刀,在中间,切上一刀然后再串起来还有一部分,没有串,直接用牙签插上4不粘锅中,加入冰糖,和没过冰糖的水5;山, montagne 楂, baie d#39aubépines 冰糖葫芦, brochette d#39azeroles caraméliséesBbanane 香蕉香, parfumé 蕉, plante à larges feuillesbanquet 宴会宴, banquet 会, réunionbeignet 油条 long beignet frit en torsades betterave 甜菜 甜, sucré, doux 菜 légumes vertsbeurre。
1candy 英 #39k#230nd#618 美 #712k#230nd#618n 糖果,巧克力冰糖糖果包装的毒品中看不中用的东西 v 把制成蜜饯用糖煮使结晶 短语 candy tray 糖果盘 糖因盘 果盘 皮糖盘 Candy Hsu 许雅涵 表演者 Candy Fable 糖果童话 2haw;糖葫芦在英文中被称为sugarcoated haw on a stick这种传统的中国小吃,在天津亦称作糖墩儿,而在安徽凤阳则被称为糖球它起源于宋朝,是将野果串在竹签上,再蘸上麦芽糖浆,待糖浆冷却变硬而成冰糖葫芦通常在北方冬季流行,山楂是最常用的果实,这种小吃口感酸甜,伴随着冰凉的糖衣燕京岁时。
英文名Bingtanghulu Crispy SugarCoated Fruit haws, yam, etc on a Stick 参考资料htm。
fried beans 冰糖葫芦 Bingtanghulu Sweet hawthorn string参考资料html冰糖葫芦英文?fr=qrlcid=951index=2。
5冰糖葫芦candied haws 6火锅hot pot 7春卷spring roll 8汤圆glutinou srice ball 9饺子dumpling 10北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck 11八宝饭Eight Delicacies Rice 12瓜子melon seeds 大家记住冰糖葫芦英文了吗?需要的小伙伴赶紧收藏起来啦冰糖葫芦英文!没准哪天就能用上了哦! 抢首赞 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价。
冰糖葫芦又叫糖葫芦,在天津又称糖墩儿,在安徽凤阳叫作糖球Icesugar gourd is a traditional Chinese snack冰糖葫芦是中国传统小吃It is a string of wild fruit skewers dipped in maltose sugar thin, thin encounter wind quickly harden它是将野果用竹签串成串后蘸上麦芽糖稀。
糖葫芦的英文名是sugarcoated haws on a stick冰糖葫芦又叫糖葫芦,在天津又称糖墩儿,在安徽凤阳叫作糖球冰糖葫芦是中国传统小吃,它是将野果用竹签串成串后蘸上麦芽糖稀,糖稀遇风迅速变硬北方冬天常见的小吃,一般用山楂串成,糖稀冻硬,吃起来又酸又甜,还很冰在宋朝年间便开始了古式。
Icesugar gourd is also called sugar gourd It is also called sugar pier in Tianjin In Fengyang,Anhui,it is called sugar ball冰糖葫芦又叫糖葫芦,在天津又称糖墩儿在安徽凤阳叫作糖球Iced sugar gourd is a traditional snack in China It strings wild fruits with bamboo st。
不是冰糖 ice sugar 是一种用来做蛋糕上面的造型的糖,很细,细得像面粉一样白色也叫 icing sugar 你可能看到冰糖葫芦叫 ice sugar gourd 了吧其实,这是指用这种糖原来是粉面状的制作的,因为其细如白雪,称雪花糖。
这句话的英文翻译是There are also many Chinese food, such as Chinese traditional food icesugar gourd, moon cake, mahua, tofu, noodles, steamed buns and so on。